Sunday, July 02, 2006

Down a goal

Hi all,

Yes it has been a logn time between posts, and much has happened since my last.

I guess a large part of the lack of posts has been the due to the lack of good news. While Sam has been well looked after (his family are doing an incredible job) his body and his cancer have not been responding as we would like. There has been a chemo round of treatment which in truth hammered Sam pretty hard. His white cell levels dropped predictably but also did red cell levels leaving Sam with no immunity and very little energy. I know that some of you were trying to contact him during this period and in most cases were turned away. This illustrates a simple truth about Sam 'The Communicator' ; if he ain't talking it ain't good.
The chemotheropy trial results were reviewed about a week ago and the MRI scans confirmed that the tumour in his back has grown. This has once again placed pressure back on his spine and has left him unable to walk. As a result the trial has been suspended.
Words fail me in my own disappointment at this news and my reaction is incommparable to the head space that Sam finds himself in. While there is still the option of the immunotherapy I think the community needs to understand that the options have dwindled and the odds are heavily against him.
On a brighter note, in speaking to Sam I am constantly amazed at how is spirit is and how he still enjoys a story and a laugh; a remarkable man by any measure.

Sam is a fighter and a naturally competitive character, but if anyone has a hookup with any deity put in a special request for assitance, he could do with a hand.

