Saturday, February 11, 2006

Post OP briefing

Hi all,

Sam is doing very well post surgery.

He has a very fashionable scar down the middle of his stomach you might almost think that this was an elective operation. The best part is that he is no longer feeling constantly nauseous. He has been up and walking briefly which at this stage is extremely good news and shows that he has come through the surgery without any side effects.

Sam still has plenty of healing to do. The plan is over the next few days to slowly introduce food back into his diet and monitor that it is travelling through his system to the correct destinations.

Stay tuned over the next few days as I recount in detail the foods that Sam is eating and the current workings of his gastro intestinal system. Should be fascinating stuff.

Moral victory to Sam. Great work!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Sarge, the Barnes family and Sammy,

Good on you Sarge, its great to have mates who can bust out a bit of IT in times when it is needed most!!

I guess I want to say what a lot of Sams mates are probably thinking. Pretty much that I am thinking about Sam 24 hours a day, and wish I could be up there with him, and with the rest of the support crew. Im really glad that the Barnes family are rallying together, with Sarge and some key people in constant support. I think by now that Sam realises the extent of support that he has from around the world, and it is a testament to the man that the hospital is being overloaded with well wishes.

Keep up the good work Sarge, and pass on the love of Raki and I from Welli's.


11:39 am  

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